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Normalized Database Schema design in MySQL Back end

Full description:

Your task in this project is to develop and database that is normalized upto 4NF and it should be able to scale as per need. You'll be given requirement of our client in raw statement. You'll have to figure out on your own about the data type and the fields which are needed. Server script is in PHP and it'll fetch data from database. Hence, you'll have to hand over a ER Diagram to client also, which will be given to PHP Devs.

Skills required: MySQL, DBMS, Scheme design, Database Administration

Payment: Rs 1000

Project specific guidelines

not available

Project specific terms & conditions

not available

HackersFriend general guidelines

What do i have to submit in qualification round ?

That depends upon project. In each project it is mentioned about what you'll have to submit in screeing round.

What color and font should i use in my project ?

Each client has their own branding guidelines, which is written in project. In some projects it is not mentioned, there you can choose whatever looks good to you, in those cases.

How will i get paid ?

You'll get paid via UPI and other items will be sent to your specified address.

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Important deadlines

Screeing submission deadline: Aug. 20, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Final submission deadline: Aug. 25, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

New submission is closed

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Only 1 participant is selected for allotment of project. Only he/she can do final submission. Details are communicated via email.


1.Ankita Singh


3.Utkarsh Kumar

4.Naveen Gupta

5.Manjeet Kumar

Important: We list out 5 participants for allotment of project after screeing round. But project is alloted to the one who comes on rank 1. In case, he/she fails to deliver the project on time or fulfill client's requirement, project is given to another participant standing behind him/her.